We highly suggest passing country code instead of airport code where possible. The end-users will receive the exact same travel requirements. If passing a country code does not meet your business requirements, we add airports to our database on a bi-monthly basis. If there is a list of airports your travellers visit that isn't supported by sherpa°, please reach out to your Partner Success Manager with the three-letter airport code(s) as well as some traffic data to be reviewed by our product team.
For our API solution, if sherpa° does not support an airport code, the below error message is displayed.
"meta": {=
"copyright": "Sherpa",
"version": "2.8.4"=
"errors": [
"status": "400",
"title": "ValidationError",
"detail": "\"data.attributes.segments[0].origin\" does not match any of the allowed types"
Not sure who your Partner Success Manager is? Reach out to partners@joinsherpa.com and they'll put you in touch with them directly!